Desk Assistant Recruitment Information

2025-26 Academic Year Desk Assistant Recruitment Information

Applications are available in My UAHome.

If you have any questions about the application process, please review the below or email

Thank you for your interest in joining the Housing & Residential Life team. Below you will find important information regarding the position; please read through it all before applying. Our eligibility and application information detail everything you need to know before applying. 

The University of Arizona Housing & Residential Life is dedicated to cultivating safe and educational residential communities that foster student success. We envision a world-class residential experience where all students invest in learning, contribute to the community, and achieve personal success. 

As a part of the Residential Education staff, the front desk plays an intricate role in the success of every dorm. The desk staff manages many day-to-day functions that are crucial to the success of our communities. Being part of the Housing & Residential Life staff is a rewarding experience and a great opportunity for student leaders to take an active role in their university.

If you have any questions regarding the Desk Assistant application process and the information below does not address it, please reach out to

The Desk Assistant Job Expectations are updated each year. Click here for the 2025-26 Desk Assistant job description.

Please note: specific responsibilities and requirements may change.

Desk Assistant Eligibility

To be eligible for this position you have to meet all the following requirements. Failure to meet these requirements will mean immediate disqualification from the selection process: 

1.    You must be available for all residence hall openings and closings.

2.    You must be able to attend Fall Desk Assistant Training beginning Early August and subsequently be available to continue work and training through Move-In, prior to the start of the academic year. No excusals will be granted for new staff during this period.

3.    You are currently a University of Arizona undergraduate student.

4.    You must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 units each semester.

5.    You must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.

6.    You are able to pass the pre-employment screening and criminal background check required by this position.  Any offer is contingent upon a favorable outcome of the background check. For more information on the background check, please refer to the University of Arizona Human Resources policy: Pre-Employment Screening Policy

7.    Housing & Residential Life gives priority hiring status to applicants who are Work Study eligible.

Applications are no longer available.

Application Information

The student applicant will be held responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the information submitted on and/or related to this application.

The desk assistant application will ask the following:

1. Personal Information

2. Prior Work Experience & Involvement

You must list previous jobs you have held and a summary of job duties, skills learned, and opportunities. 

3. Estimated availability

4. Essay Questions

5. Additional skills or knowledge