Frequently Asked Questions

You can apply for campus housing as soon as you are admitted to the University, even before you officially commit. Once you set up your NetID and password, you can complete the online housing application. The application requires you to pay a $175 non-refundable application fee as one of the first steps of the application. Upon completion, you will receive an email confirmation; if you don’t, contact Housing & Residential Life immediately. If you do not have access to a computer, contact Housing & Residential Life at (520) 621-6501. NOTE: Fall applications are for the entire academic year.

  • If you apply early (for the fall), you will be able to pick your dorm and room (based on availability) starting in early summer, based on your application date.
  • If you apply later in the process, you will provide your 5-10 dorm preferences on your housing application and you will be assigned to a dorm by Housing & Residential Life in early-August.
  • More information is available in our Getting Started section. You may check your application and assignment status at any time in My UAHome.

If you have selected a room, have completed your Undergraduate License Agreement, and paid your Rent Down Payment, you may reassign to a dorm/room in real-time, based on availability in My UAHome by selecting it and submitting it. This process is only open for a limited time each summer. Students who applied later in the process will not be able to reassign themselves.

You can cancel your housing application in My UAHome by clicking on ”Cancellation Request.” Alternatively, you may notify Housing & Residential Life in writing (letter, fax, or email). Include your name and University student ID number. Failure to timely pay the Rent Down Payment by the deadline provided to you in your housing application will result in the cancellation of your housing application (and any related assignment). Reinstatement of a canceled housing application will
be considered on a space-available basis. The Rent Down Payment, if paid, is not refundable, even if your housing application is canceled and/or you choose not to attend the University.  The $175 housing application fee is not refundable at any time. 

If you did not pay your housing application fee, Rent Down Payment, or Admissions Enrollment fee and/or complete your License Agreement by the deadline, then your housing assignment was canceled.

Students have the option of selecting their own roommate(s) or suitemate(s) or receiving a random roommate. The roommate selection process will open in April, at which time all students will complete a profile as part of their housing application. Read more on the Roommates page.

No. About half our students request a roommate and half opt for a random roommate. It is up to you.

At the beginning of the semester, roommates have the opportunity to sit down with their RA and discuss expectations in the room. It is important to fully engage in this conversation and give serious thought to your expectations and clearly communicate them. If issues arise, your RA is your best resource.

A student may request a transfer through My UAHome. As space opens up, Housing & Residential Life Housing Assignment Services staff will pull from this list after all temporary housing students have permanent spaces. (For students who Move-In in August, this is typically available after Labor Day.)

Dorms are all-gender with the exception of one all-female dorm, Maricopa. All dorms have gender-specific rooms and typically gender-specific floors or wings. A few buildings have all-gender wings. Bathrooms are gender-specific, with the exception of Árbol de la VidaLikins and Posada San Pedro, which have some gender-specific and all-gender bathrooms on each floor or wing. Locations of gender-specific and all-gender bathrooms are subject to change each year. 

Yes. Check out the dorm search filter to learn the different room types that are available in our 23 dorms. We encourage you to apply early if you would like to request a specific room type.

We have a variety of single rooms available in some halls. Check out the dorm search filter to learn which dorms have singles. We encourage you to apply early if you would like to request a single room.

Since our rooms are almost always occupied by current students, we do not offer dorm tours. If you take a campus tour or stop by the Housing Welcome Center during business hours, you can see a mock dorm room that will give you an idea of what a typical dorm setup at U of A set-up may look like. 

Videos, pictures, and 360◦ photos can also be found on each dorm description page. For more, check out our YouTube channel or visit

Incoming first-year students are not required to live on campus but are encouraged do to so. More than 80% of the students who live on campus are first-year students. Life in a dorm, is more than just a place to sleep and study; it is about making new friends, building relationships, and being part of a caring and diverse community. It is also an opportunity to learn more about yourself, make informed decisions, manage your time effectively, and succeed academically.

We do not have dorms designated to class standings. Each of our 23 undergraduate dorms are intended for all students.

Yes, summer housing is available on campus each summer.

Yes, housing is available during the winter break for students who need to stay in a dorm during that period.

Students who have extenuating circumstances that would make it difficult or impossible to move out by 12p.m. on the last Friday of the semester should consult with their Community Director in advance. 

Please visit our Move-In page for specifics.

We do offer some early move-in options. Please visit our Move-In page for specifics.

You can print your mailing address room on your Application Status page at the end of the application in My UAHome. You may also send an email to from your U of A CatMail email and include your Student ID# with your request. We can fill out a Rental Verification form for future, present and/or past residents. Please note it may take a few business days to complete your verification request.

Meal Plans are required for all freshmen living on campus. Meal Plan works at over 30 on-campus dining locations. This Meal Plan requirement is designed to support new students as they transition to on-campus living and embrace their college experience, and it aligns the University of Arizona with our peer institutions. Honors Village residents are also required to have a Meal Plan, regardless of their year/status in school.

For more information, please visit

All students living on campus with freshmen status at Move-In will be required to have a Meal Plan. Please note that all residents living in the Honors Village are required to have a Meal Plan, regardless of their year/status in school.

For more information, please visit the Meal Plans website.

Amenities & Services

  • Your rent will be billed each semester (60% in the fall and 40% in the spring) to your student bursar account. You may pay directly online through the UAccess Student Center.
  • You can register for an optional payment plan which allows you to pay rent in three installments each semester. You can opt-in to participate in the payment plan option after you complete your pre-arrival Online Check-In. Visit My UAHome for more information.
  • Rates are reviewed in April or May each year by the Arizona Board of Regents. Any changes to the rates will be posted as soon as they are announced.

Rent includes: Electricity, gas, water, air conditioning and heating, one internet data connection per student and Wi-Fi in every dorm.

Your room includes:

  • Furniture (one per resident): twin XL size bed and mattress*; desk with chair; closet or wardrobe; dresser; trash can and recycle bin
  • Window blinds
  • Peephole in door

*Some dorms offer full-size beds

Your dorm includes:

  • Laundry facilities, community kitchens, study rooms, recreation lounges, and outdoor courtyards with barbeque areas
  • ATMs, vending machines, water-filling stations and ice machines
  • Bike racks outside all buildings
  • Staffed front desk with vacuums, pots and pans for check out
  • Mail service*
  • Maintenance, trash and recycling

*Keep in mind, dorm front desks are unable to accept perishable items or deliveries that require refrigeration. 

Most beds are 80” extra long (XL) twin. Full beds + mattresses are available in some dorms. 

The beds found in your dorm room can be bunked and/or height-adjusted as long as they are NOT found on the list below. This list only shows halls that have one or both restrictions.

Apache-Santa CruzNoNo
Colonia de la PazNoYes
Honors VillageNoNo


Additional furniture is permitted (but students are encouraged to consider space!). Also, fire and safety regulations do not allow extra furniture to block any fire exit paths.

No, all dorm rooms are fully furnished. Please do not bring extra furniture that will not fit in your room. 

There is no additional storage space in the dorms. Everything you bring must fit in your room.

You and your roommate each have a computer port for access to the University’s high-speed internet. For more information visit the Technology page.

Housing & Residential Life has contracted with a vendor to provide residents a Microfridge rental program. The Microfridge is a refrigerator and microwave combination unit which can be rented for the academic year. Each resident can rent one unit. Residents can also bring their own (one per resident). Check the specifications sheet to see what types are permitted in the dorms. 

Community kitchens are offered in all of our dorms. Students typically use this community space to prepare small meals or snacks, with no restrictions on the types of food prepared or spices used. Community kitchens equipped with full-sized stoves and refrigerators. Pots and pans can be checked out from the front desk. Since these kitchens are shared by all we do not recommend that they be used for every meal. We strongly recommend that you purchase a campus meal plan to eat at the more than 40 eateries located around campus. Arizona Student Unions’ professional dining staff is available to assist in finding menu options that fit your needs, including vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free offerings. For more information on menus and nutritional information, visit the website. If you have dietary restrictions, we encourage you to discuss food-related accommodations with the UA Disability Resource Center

Use the chart below to find the water bottle filling station and/or ice machine in your building. 

DormH2O Filling StationIce Machine
Highland District  
Apache-Santa CruzIn KitchenIn Kitchen
Graham-GreenleeIn KitchenIn Kitchen
HopiIn Center HallIn Kitchen
Pueblo de la CienegaBetween 1st floor RR, outsideIn Kitchen
LikinsIn KitchenIn Kitchen
Colonia de la PazOutside, near lobby L114Outside by Office S103
Stadium (Navajo-Pinal)1st floor by RR (#150)In Vending Area (#172)
Posada San PedroBetween 1st floor RR, outsideIn Kitchen
Villa del PuenteBetween 1st floor RR, outsideIn Kitchen
Historic District  
BabcockIn KitchenIn Kitchen
CochiseIn KitchenIn Kitchen
CoconinoIn Front LobbyBy Front Lobby
GilaBy Front LobbyIn Vending Area
MaricopaBy Front LobbyIn Basement Laundry Room
Manzanita-MohaveIn KitchenIn Kitchen
PimaIn Laundry Room on Lodge sideIn hallway, off kitchen
YavapaiIn Study RoomsIn Vending Area
YumaBy Front LobbyIn Vending Area
Park District  
Arizona-SonoraIn KitchenIn Vending Area, AZ side
CoronadoIn LobbyIn Kitchen
Kaibab-HuachucaIn LobbyIn Basement Vending Area
Árbol de la VidaNear front Lobby, by MailboxesIn Laundry Room
North District  
Honors VillageIn '85 North & on the Second Floor (by the public bathrooms)In Community Kitchen on the Second Floor

Students are responsible for cleaning their own rooms. Custodial staff members will clean community bathrooms, lounges, and other public areas on a regular schedule.

  • Permitted appliances in your room include TV, microwave, radio/stereo, and hair care devices. 
  • Non-Permitted appliances include appliances with an open heating element or burner and/or those that may cause ventilation problems. Examples of Non-Permitted Appliances: toasters, toaster ovens, George Foreman grills, and halogen lamps. 

Vacuums and pots and pans are available for check-out at the front desk at most dorms. Please check with your front desk for details. 

In addition to vacuums and pots and pans, some front desks check-out recreational equipment and movies. All equipment must be returned or late fees/replacement costs may be charged to the student’s accounts. Please check with the front desk for details. 

Several of our dorms across campus have pianos that can be found, and used, in community spaces. Here are the dorms containing at least one:

Apache-Santa CruzWinter 45" Studio
Arizona-SonoraSteck 40" Console
Árbol de la Vida (2)Yamaha GB1 Grands
CochiseBaldwin 36" Spinet
CoronadoElectric piano
LikinsYamaha GB1 Grand
Navajo-Pinal Kimball 42" Console
Manzanita-MohaveBaldwin R Grand
MaricopaMason & Hamlin AA Grand
PimaK&C 40" Console 
Posada San PedroYamaha GA1 Grand
Pueblo de la CienegaYamaha GA1 Grand
Villa del PuenteYamaha GA1 Grand
YavapaiWurlitzer 45" Studio
Yuma 42" Kimball Console

All of our dorms have laundry facilities with high-efficiency washers at $2.00 per wash and $1.60 per dry ($3.60 per load). Don’t forget to bring the HE-designated laundry detergent.

Laundry machines accept payment via CatCard, using CatCa$h. 

Students can go to to load their CatCa$h as frequently as needed. CatCa$h is part of a student's Meal Plan for non-food purchases on campus like printing, short-term parking, and laundry in the dorms. CatCa$h can also be used at select retailers off-campus as a form of payment. 

Do not bring candles, toasters, toaster ovens, George Forman-type grills (or other open plate heating devices), pets (other than fish), halogen lights, freezer, alcohol, drugs and weapons. Our What to Bring Checklist provides you with a complete list.

Housing & Residential Life has a proactive recycling program in each dorm. Recycling bins are available at every dorm and you will have a recycle tote in your room to collect paper, paperboard, cans, and plastic bottles. To learn what's recyclable in the dorms, visit:

Use the chart below to find the recycling location in your building. You can also view each dorm's designated recycling area here*.

DormRecycling LocationBin Type(s)
Highland District  
Apache-Santa Cruzoutside; southside courtyard, near trashgreen/blue bins; cardboard cage
Graham-Greenleeoutside; east wall of building, near south cornergreen/blue bins; cardboard cage
Hopioutside; east wall of building, near south cornergreen/blue bins; cardboard cage
Pueblo de la Cienega1st floor, by the bike areagreen/blue bins; cardboard cage; blue plastic bags-only bin
Likinsdesignated area in trash roomgreen/blue bins; cardboard cage; blue plastic bags-only bin
Colonia de la Pazoutside; eastside of building (near Stadium)green/blue bins; cardboard cage
Colonia de la Pazbetween Apache-Santa Cruz and La Paz dormsgreen/blue bins
Stadium (Navajo-Pinal)westside of exterior, detached bunker in southwest side corner of Stadiumtan dumpster-style bin (recycling & cardboard combined)
Posada San Pedro1st floor, near the bike areagreen/blue bins; cardboard cage; blue plastic bags-only bin
Villa del Puente1st floor, near the bike areagreen/blue bins; cardboard cage; blue plastic bags-only bin
Historic District  
Babcocknear bike area on north side of buildinggreen/blue bins; cardboard cage
Cochisesouth side of building; freestanding brick bunker with a door facing northgreen/blue bins; cardboard cage
Coconinoexterior of building, near middle; detached red brick bunkergreen/blue bins; cardboard cage
Gilabehind building, northside alley; detached bunkergreen/blue bins; cardboard cage
Maricopabehind building, northside alley; detached bunker on northwest endgreen/blue bins; cardboard cage
Manzanita-Mohaveoutside; both east side trash bunkerstan dumpster-style bin (recycling & cardboard combined)
Pimaalley behind building (southside); detached bunkergreen/blue bins; cardboard cage
Yavapaisoutheast corner of building, beneath stairsgreen/blue bins; cardboard cage
Yumabehind building, northside alley; detached bunkergreen/blue bins; cardboard cage
North District  
Honors Village1st floor, across courtyard and through a door on the north sidegreen/blue bins
Honors Villagechutes on floors 2-6recycling chutes
Park District  
Arizona-Sonoraoutside; south side courtyard, near trashgreen/blue bins; cardboard cage
Coronadosouth side of building; freestanding brick bunker with a door facing northgreen/blue bins; cardboard cage; blue plastic bags-only bin
Kaibab-Huachucawest side of building, with access through the basement; outdoor bunker outside laundry roomtan dumpster-style bin (recycling & cardboard combined)
Kaibab-Huachucaeast side of building, with access through the basement; outdoor bunker outside laundry roomgreen/blue bins; cardboard cage
Árbol de la Vidadesignated area in trash roomgreen/blue bins; cardboard cage
La Aldeatrash room, northwest corner of buildinggreen/blue bins; cardboard cage
La Aldeatrash room, northeast corner of buildinggreen/blue bins; cardboard cage; blue plastic bags-only bin


University housing residents and staff can file a maintenance or custodial work order in My UAHome to request a problem within a dorm be fixed or corrected. Work requests submitted online are tracked and checked several times a day, Monday through Friday. In case of an emergency after hours, please contact your RA. 

Honors Village residents: Please click here for information.

Check the posted information in the laundry room.

Speak to your RA or the on-duty RA and then submit a maintenance request via My UAHome.

Dorms with elevators include:

  • Árbol de la Vida
  • Arizona-Sonora
  • Coconino
  • Colonia de la Paz
  • Coronado
  • Honors Village
  • Likins
  • Manzanita-Mohave
  • Pima
  • Posada San Pedro
  • Pueblo de la Cienega
  • Villa del Puente

Custodial staff members clean community bathrooms on a regular schedule. If a student is assigned to either a suite, pod or private restroom space, they are responsible for cleaning their own restrooms*. 

Students in a suite, pod, or private restroom are required to provide their own toilet paper, paper towels and shower curtains. A list of suggested items to bring can be found here

Proper cleaning methods and best practices will be provided to students upon their arrival and will be discussed with students by dorm staff.

*Exceptions will be made through the accommodation process through the Disability Resource Center if the assigned student requires that their restroom be cleaned. 

Housing rates do not include the cost of a meal plan. Please visit the Arizona Student Unions website for information and dining locations, or contact the Meal Plans Office

Housing rates do not include the cost of parking. Please visit the Parking & Transporation Services website for information.

Mail is sorted by each dorm's front desk and placed in a personal mailbox for each resident. Some dorms have package lockers that provide convenient access to delivered packages. While living in the dorms be sure to follow our tips for sending mail to the dorms.  

Yes! Most dorms come equipped with bicycle racks, or cages, for you to store your bike should you choose to bring it with you to campus when living-on. The below chart shows which buildings offer the different types of storage. 

DormBike RacksBike Cage
Highland District  
Apache-Santa CruzYN
Pueblo de la CienegaYN
Colonia de la PazYN
Stadium (Navajo-Pinal)YN
Posada San PedroYN
Villa del PuenteYN
Historic District  
Park District  
Árbol de la VidaYY

Arizona's Parking and Transportation Services also offers more secure bike parking via bicycle locker rental, or space in an enclosure. To register your bicycle, and/or learn more about their bike parking services, please visit their website

Dates & Deadlines

There are a number of dates and deadlines that are important for students applying to campus housing and for those already living in campus housing. Please refer to our Dates and Deadlines page for the most up-to-date information.


If you lose a key, you are responsible for the cost of changing the lock(s) and key replacement. Key charges are $70 per room/apartment key, and $30 per dorm entrance key (if applicable). It is a violation of state law and University policy to duplicate a key to any lock on University property.

Since most of our dorms require the use of your University CatCard to enter the exterior doors you will need to have your card replaced, if lost. That can be done at the CatCard office in the Student Union. You can get a temporary access card to your dorm at the front desk or by calling the RA on Duty, if the desk is closed, to hold you over until you replace your CatCard. 

Each resident must select a 4-digit PIN which will be entered after swiping your CatCard to gain access to your dorm. Click here to change your PIN.

Refer to your Undergraduate License Agreement and the Policies & Procedures for Dorm Living for details on behaviors and disciplinary educational interventions which may lead to eviction from campus housing.

In most cases you may not appeal a charge. See your Undergraduate License Agreement for more information about appealing charges or contact us.

Please contact the UAPD's non-emergency line at 520-621-8273 (621-UAPD) to request a wellness check on a student.

Vandalism is not permitted in the dorms. Vandalism is the willful or malicious destruction of private or public property including, but not limited to, the destruction or removal of bulletin boards, and dorm decorations. Residents can be held financially responsible for any loss or damage to University property. Violations of this policy may result in a referral to law enforcement, removal from Housing, and referral to the Dean of Students Office for further University action and additional educational interventions. If you would like to report incidents of vandalism in your dorm, please contact your Community Director.

Safety & Security

Rooms, hallways and public areas are equipped with smoke detectors, which are hard-wired. All fire alarms immediately report to UAPD, who in turn will call the fire department.
We do not allow candles or incense in the rooms and smoking is not allowed anywhere on the University of Arizona campus. For more information, see the Safety & Security page.

  • Dorms are locked 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You must use your key or CatCard to enter the building. Any guest not living in the building must call up to your room in order to be escorted into the building. Safety and security issues are taken seriously and discussed at length when you move into your dorm.
  • Our staff conducts several nightly duty rounds in each dorms to monitor our facilities and maintain the standards of the community.
  • We highly encourage students to lock their doors and to carry their keys with them whenever they leave their rooms. When rooms are left wide open or doors are left unlocked this creates an opportunity for crime.
  • The Safe Ride Program on campus provides a free ride to students who do not wish to walk alone. Emergency “blue lights” are installed all around campus. These stations have emergency phones for contacting the University Police directly.

The student is. The University cannot assume responsibility for the loss of or damage to student possessions.

Damages that result from unforeseeable maintenance issues (burst pipes, power failure, etc.) are the responsibility of the student. The University of Arizona nor the Arizona Board of Regents does not carry insurance covering residents or their property. You are encouraged to protect yourself from loss by purchasing appropriate insurance. In that regard, you should review any homeowner's policy that you or your caregivers might have to determine whether the contents of your housing are already covered or could be covered with a policy rider. Additionally, we encourage students to download the Electronic Item Inventory Form.