
For 2024-2025 Housing

Below is a brief outline of our processes. More detailed information can be found in your student housing portal, My UAHome.

Application Dates

Type of ApplicationDetailsApplication OpensApplication Closes
New/incoming undergraduate student: Academic yearDormSeptember 3When full
New/incoming undergraduate student: Spring onlyDormSeptember 1When full
Current undergraduate student: Academic yearDormSeptember 4Lottery available: December 1, 2024-January 31, 2025
Winter HousingSpecific dorms
open during winter break
Part of housing application 
Summer HousingSpecific dorms
open for summer school
February 15When full


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Housing Process

Apply for housing as soon as you are admitted to Arizona, even before you officially commit. The earlier you apply for housing and complete your housing application, the more dorms you’ll have to choose from during Room Selection in early summer. Your Room Selection date and time will be sent to you via email in advance; Room Selection timeslots are based on the order of completed applications received.

If you try to apply later in our process, the dorms may be full. New students are not required to live on campus and housing is not guaranteed.

Students who have completed their Undergraduate License Agreement, and paid your Rent Down Payment, may be reassigned to a dorm/room in real-time, based on availability in My UAHome by selecting it and submitting it. This process is only open for a limited time each summer. Students who applied later in the process will not be able to reassign themselves.

Before you can be assigned a room you must complete the License Agreement (in your housing application in My UAHome), which is our housing contract. The License Agreement establishes what you can expect from us as well as what we expect of you while you live in campus housing.

When you sign the License Agreement, you also agree to abide by our Policies & Procedures for Dorm Living. You must agree to the terms of the License Agreement for each academic year and/or summer during which you live on campus.

Housing & Residential Life is a non-profit enterprise. Rental rates are set at a level that cover expenses and do not include a “damages factor.” For this reason, we are assertive about recovering damages that occur in and around the dorms. Our strong preference is to hold individuals responsible for damages (or lost University property) they cause (intentionally or unintentionally), but when this is not possible, we bill all residents of the dorm or a part of the dorm as circumstances warrant (e.g., a wing or floor). You must use the premises and furnishings of the University in a careful and proper manner.

To appeal damages, download the Damage Appeal Form and follow all directions on the form. Room or personal damage charges assessed for a particular academic year ending in May can only be appealed until July 31 of the same year. You cannot appeal charges after the committee has reviewed your appeal; the committee's decision is final.

Before you can be assigned a room, you must pay the $400 Rent Down Payment, which is applied to the first semester’s rent. 

Housing & Residential Life bills your bursar account 60% of your yearly rent just before school starts in the fall and the balance 40% in December for the spring semester. There are additional payment options available. You can opt-in to participate in a payment plan after you complete your pre-arrival Online Check-In. Visit My UAHome for more information.

Here are the detailed information about roommate options. 

Once we are full, we will go to a waiting list. Students who sign up on the waiting list are encouraged to continue to look for housing off-campus, as we typically don’t take many, if any, students from the waiting list. If beds do open up, we will contact you through your Arizona email.

During the academic year students may move rooms and leave campus housing. This may create a unoccupied (vacant) space in a room. The current occupant of the room has the ability to buy out the vacant space so that the room becomes a single for the remainder of the academic year. Contact Housing & Residential Life for more information.

The housing contract you signed is for the academic year. Please read through your License Agreement for factors and penalties and contact Housing & Residential Life for more information.

As detailed in section 10 of the Undergraduate Housing License Agreement, you will be released from the academic year rent commitment only under the following circumstances (does NOT apply if you are evicted/removed from campus housing for conduct-related reasons):

  • You move out of campus housing and withdraw from and discontinue enrollment as a student at the University of Arizona (and do not re-enroll at any time during the remainder of that academic year). Rent charges for which you would still be responsible are described in section 10 of the License Agreement.
  • You move out of campus housing at the end of the fall semester to participate in a University-approved internship, study abroad or student exchange program that will 1) require you to reside outside the Tucson metropolitan area during the spring semester, or 2) result in you not being enrolled in spring semester classes at the University. Under these circumstances, you will need to provide the Housing Assignment Services office with a copy of official documentation showing your participation in such a program before the end of the fall semester to avoid additional rent charges.
  • You graduate from the University of Arizona and move out of campus housing at the end of the fall semester.

Contract Termination for Extraordinary Reasons

In rare cases after moving into campus housing, a student encounters an extreme, unforeseeable and uncontrollable problem that interferes with her/his ability to continue living in campus housing and for which Housing & Residential Life is not able to provide a reasonable solution/alternative within campus housing facilities. The nature of these problems is typically medical, psychological and/or financial.

All appeals to terminate a housing contract for reasons other than those described in the License Agreement must be submitted in writing for review by the Housing Contract Appeals Committee. This committee is made up primarily of faculty and staff from outside Housing & Residential Life. Contract appeals will be considered ONLY after you have sought assistance from your Community Director to resolve the problem, and all other, less extreme options have been exhausted – including transferring to a different room, room type, residence hall or apartment.

If you wish to submit an appeal, you must complete the License Agreement Appeal Form and submit that form along with supporting documentation to Housing Assignment Services. The supporting documentation required depends on the reason(s) for your appeal.

Documentation requirement for appeals based on:

A completed appeal should be submitted well prior to the date on which you would like to move out of campus housing. Completed appeals received less than three weeks prior to the date you wish to move out may not be reviewed by that date. If you have already moved out of campus housing, your appeal will be accepted and reviewed only if it is received within 60 days of the day you moved out.

A student may request a Hall Transfer through My UAHome. As space opens up, Housing & Residential Life Housing Assignment Services staff will pull from this list after all temporary housing students have permanent spaces. (For students who Move-In in August, this is typically available after Labor Day.) Please note there is a charge for Hall Transfers.

If you are a current student or you currently live in a dorm and want to return to live on campus next academic year, learn more about our 2nd Year+ offerings.

Meal Plans are be required for all freshmen living on campus. This Meal Plan requirement is designed to support new students as they transition to on-campus living and embrace their college experience, and it aligns the University of Arizona with our peer institutions.

All students living on campus with freshmen status at Move-In will be required to have a Meal Plan. Please note that all residents living in the Honors Village are required to have a Meal Plan, regardless of their year/status in school.

For more information, please visit the Meal Plans website.

Types of Housing

Winter Break Housing

All dorms close during the winter break (between the fall and spring semesters) except those designated for winter break housing. Winter break housing is for students who need to LIVE in their room during the break. All students can leave their stuff in their room if they are coming back for the spring semester. If you will need winter break housing, check 'yes' on your housing application.

  • There is an additional charge of $300-$400, depending on the dorms, however there is no additional cost if you are living in the Honors Village.
  • Dorms are selected based on the number of students who have requested winter break housing. You will be assigned to one of these dorms. If you decide that you need winter break housing after you have already moved in, you will move to one of the designated dorms before winter break and stay there the rest of the academic year.
  • Staff will be present, though desk hours and services will be limited.
  • The Winter Break Housing dorms for 2024 are Colonia de la Paz, Graham-Greenlee, Honors Village, Hopi, Likins, Navajo-Pinal, and Pueblo de la Cienega.

Summer Housing

Summer housing is available. Learn more about summer housing by visiting the summer housing page.

  • There is a $30 non-refundable application fee.
  • We charge rent for each summer session to your University account. Payment is due by the first day of class for the applicable summer session. Please go to UAccess Student Center to make payments. 
  • See Dates & Deadlines page for summer school dates.
  • See Rates page for pricing.
  • Singles are VERY limited and based on availability. 
  • The summer housing dorm(s) change each year. Location information will be available in your housing application.

Living Learning Communities

Live in a community with students who share similar personal or academic interests and goals. Click here for more details.

Temporary Housing

In order to accommodate as many students as possible at the beginning of the school year we accept more students than our capacity and house them in temporary spaces. We know students will leave campus housing in the first few months of school (for many reasons) and this opens up permanent space for our temporary housing students.

Other Types of Housing 

Find more information about other options that Housing & Residential Life offers here.