Wildcat Living

Wildcat Living is our residential curriculum for all students living in the dorms at Arizona.

Living on campus is a quintessential part of a student’s Arizona experience.

‘Wildcat Living’ supports students in their transition to college and helps them succeed. While practicing and honing important life skills, students will get to explore their place in the world and how they connect with and contribute to their communities.

A residential curriculum is an intentionally implemented set of activities and interactions designed to promote student learning around focus areas. Our curriculum focuses on the following four areas (or pillars):

Red Heart Clip Art
Red Heart Clip Art

Personal Growth

Personal Growth encourages students to explore, discover, and embrace who they are and who they want to be.

  • Describe their personal identities and explore their values.
  • Engage in ongoing self-reflection about their experiences.
  • Practice effective decision-making.
  • Demonstrate persistence and resilience in the face of challenges.
Puzzle Pieces Clip Art
Puzzle Pieces Clip Art


Connection helps students explore ways to build relationships and make a positive impact on their communities.

  • Develop connections to the University and Tucson communities.
  • Apply strategies to effectively manage conflict.
  • Contribute positively to their communities.
  • Identify characteristics of healthy/unhealthy relationships.
Hands Together Icon
Hands Together Icon


Responsibility provides students with a deeper understanding of managing themselves and their impact on others.

  • Apply strategies to cultivate well-being.
  • Practice behaviors that positively impact their environment.
  • Assess the impact of their decisions on others.
  • Set goals and apply strategies for achieving their goals.
  • Develop life skills including self, time, and financial management.
Clip Art Green Conversation Bubbles
Clip Art Green Conversation Bubbles

Cultural Understanding

Cultural Understanding empowers students to interact and engagement with people who are different from themselves across an increasingly diverse campus and global world.

  • Understand social identities and apply to self.
  • Learn about how power and privilege dynamics operate in communities.
  • Communicate effectively across different perspectives and backgrounds.
  • Demonstrate behaviors that contribute to equitable and inclusive communities.