While living in the dorms students must follow the Policies & Procedures for Dorm Living, which includes the prohibition of some items that can be possessed in their room. Find commonly inquired about items below, with full details in the Policies & Procedures for Dorm Living.

- Toaster
- Waffle Iron
- Bike
- Animal*
- Alcohol Containers
- Candles
- Thumbtack (On the Wall)
- Bed Risers
- Kiddie Pool
- Hover Board
*Unless approved by the Disability Resource Center
Other Prohibited Items Include (but are not limited to*):
- Adhesive LED lights (non-adhesive type allowed only;
no sticky strips) - Alcohol (unless you are 21 or over)
- Animals (other than non-dangerous fish in 10 gal. or smaller tank, unless authorized)
- Beer Pong Tables
- Drugs/drug paraphernalia
- Extra bed/mattresses
- Full-sized refrigerators
- Halogen lamps
- Hoverboards, OneWheels, motorized scooters or skateboards
- Hookahs
- Kiddie pools
- Incense/candles
- Instant Pots and/or Air Fryers
- Lighters
- Nails, screws, thumbtacks and pins (thumbtacks allowed on personal items only i.e., corkboard)
- Open-coil or open-flame appliances (e.g., toaster or toaster oven, waffle iron, fondue pot, George Foreman grill, etc.)
- Shot glasses
- Space heaters
- Wallpaper or contact paper
- Water-filled furniture
- Wine glasses
- Weapons (including simulated weapons)
- Wireless or wired routers
- Wireless printers
*Items are subject to change, find full details in the Policies & Procedures for Dorm Living.
**If you have a dietary, medical, or other need for an extra refrigerator in your room, please contact Housing & Residential Life at 520-621-6501.