
Summer Storage (USS)
USS offers summer storage for residents!
- Students can pack and simply leave their belongings in their room at move-out in May.
- USS will pick up and send a photo of all belongings picked up.
- In August, USS will deliver inside the student’s on-campus room before move-in and/or within 2 miles of campus for FREE.
Move-In & Spring Semester Services
The University of Arizona contracts with vendors to provide you with additional fee-based services while living on campus. There are even a few services that can be pre-loaded into your room before you arrive at your dorm Move-In! This makes moving in (and out) of your room that much easier! Keep in mind that mail & packages will not be accepted at the dorms until Tuesday, August 19, 2025. Learn more about sending items to the dorms here.
Non-Approved Vendors
UA Housing & Residential Life partners with approved third-party vendors to offer you additional services and conveniences. If you contract with a vendor not on the above list (i.e. a non-approved vendor), you or the vendor may have to make special arrangements to be on campus during move-in:
- Non-approved vendors are not allowed inside a dorm without being escorted by the student living in the dorm, during the entire time they are inside the building.
- Housing & Residential Life will not accept – nor sign for – deliveries from a non-approved vendor (we will accept packages from mail services like USPS and UPS during regular scheduled mail delivery)
- All non-approved vendors will be subject to the move-in process and guidelines
- All non-approved vendors are subject to abide by parking enforcement signage at all times
- Vendors should coordinate directly with UA Parking & Transportation Services for large vehicle access to dorms or parking
- Housing & Residential Life is not responsible for any issues that arise between you and a non-approved vendor