Villa del Puente

Villa del Puente (VDP) is located in the Highland District and consists of two buildings that are connected at the second and third floors by pedestrian bridges. This three-story dorm features solar panels and an interactive dashboard that allows residents to monitor the hall’s energy and water usage. VDP is home to 286 students in single and double rooms with community bathrooms.

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Dorm Information

Dorm Size
Room Type
Access Features
Wheelchair accessible community bathrooms
Wheelchair accessible suite/attached bathroom
Suite bathrooms (not equipped for wheelchair access)
Alarm strobes in student rooms
Highland District
Bed Size
80" (extra long Twin)
Hard Flooring
Closet Size
Single Room Layout

For a 360 view of a Villa Del Puente single room, please view the Posada San Pedro or Pueblo de la Cienega dorm pages. These three dorms have similar floor plans. The 360 views can be found under "floor plans" on each dorm page. All other dorms have 360 views of their rooms available on the individual dorm pages and also on the University of Arizona Housing & Residential Life YouTube

Single Room: 126 square feet (10'6"x12')

Dimensions (all numbers in inches *)Single
Mattress (Width, Length)38/80
Mattress ThicknessN/A
Dresser/Drawer (Height/Width/Depth)30/29/5
Closet from Top to Bottom (Height/Depth/Width)67/35/23
Closet from Rod to Bottom (Height/Depth/Width)60/35/23
Window from Bottom to Floor (Height)35
Window (Height/Width)57/32
Space in Between Both Beds N/A
Space Underneath Bed from Underneath to Bottom (Height/Length)34/80
Desk Chair to Floor (Height)17
Desk (Height/Width/Length)30/42/24
Desk Drawer (Height/Length/Depth)6/13/4
Doorway Entry (Width/Length)36/84
Number of Electrical Outlets6
Number of Shelves in Closet1


Double room layout

For a 360 view of a Villa Del Puente double room, please view the Posada San Pedro or Pueblo de la Cienega dorm pages. These three dorms have similar floor plans. The 360 views can be found under "floor plans" on each dorm page. All other dorms have 360 views of their rooms available on the individual dorm pages and also on the University of Arizona Housing & Residential Life YouTube


Double Room: 176 square feet (11'x16' )

Dimensions (all numbers in inches *)Double
Mattress (Width, Length)38/80
Mattress ThicknessN/A
Dresser/Drawer (Height/Width/Depth)31/30/5
Closet from Top to Bottom (Height/Depth/Width)67.5/23/33
Closet from Rod to Bottom (Height/Depth/Width)61/23/33
Window from Bottom to Floor (Height)36
Window (Height/Width)74/40
Space in Between Both Beds 72
Space Underneath Bed from Underneath to Bottom (Height/Length)34/80
Desk Chair to Floor (Height)15
Desk (Height/Width/Length)N/A
Desk Drawer (Height/Length/Depth)6/12/3
Doorway Entry (Width/Length)36/84
Number of Electrical Outlets8
Number of Shelves in Closet1

* Room measurements may vary.


575 N. Highland Avenue Tucson, AZ 85719

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